Contact Us
Dobos is a company rooted in the industrial-handicraft field in Brescia. With three fields of specialization, we – at Dobos – are known worldwide for our great tradition of excellence in the field of mechanical machining, AUTOMATION SYSTEMS, (welding machines, scarfing machines, angle grinders, leak test benches, assembly machines, surgical and protective masks manufacturing line)
MOULDS, MOULD HOLDERS, TEMPLATES AND MACHINE COMPONENTS. All manufactured in-house, where a Design department processes solutions – even customised – using 2D and 3D advanced technology, GIVING SHAPE TO THE WISHES OF OUR CUSTOMERS.
Care Pro 200
Care Pro 200, our innovative production line of surgical and protective masks.

Ministry of Health
Our products are Approved by the Ministry of Health.
Medical Expo
Our Health Care Division has a new collaboration with the Medical Expo portal
Il Sole 24 ore
Today On il Sole 24 Ore
Mechanical Machining
Our technical department initially processes the customer’s 3D files programming all the processing steps. The CAD/CAM – WorkNC software allows us to offer a high quality and precision standard.
Call Us:
(+39) 030 217 10 77